Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The end of the year is drawing near

I have learned so much in 2010 and I was reflecting on that the other day. Here is a list in short of the things I have been taught.

1. I love Jesus more then everyone/everything in the World.
2. There IS such a thing as a DONUT MACHINE and I MUST HAVE ONE! ;)
3. I love my mom and dad more then anyone could ever explain!
4. My twinner and I have found a knew way to describe our relationship "Wombmate" and I think that describes us pretty well.
5. Kids have been and always will be my life!
6. My dog is the single thing on this earth that can make me laugh in ANY circumstance. AND he has my dad wrapped around his little paw!
7. I am beyond blessed.
8. I LOVE Candy (Specifically Swedish fish)..like a lot!
9. People will come and people will go but Jesus will never leave
10. When Jesus brings the rain there will ALWAYS be a rainbow on the other side. and the longer/harder rains always have a bigger/better rainbow afterwards.
11. Facebook is horribly addicting.
12. Blogging really helps me sort my thoughts
13. If there is a Sarah around then there is pretty much a guarantee that we will be good friends
14. I love pure innocence
15. When you have a positive attitude no matter what your facing it will always be much easier to get through
16. People will never understand why you do what you do but if it is in the Lord's will do it anyways and let the strange looks roll off your back.
17. Your life's story will be a spring board to help people understand the love of Jesus if you let it. and when you do you will be amazed at how people respond.
18. I love Christmas more then I thought!
19. My sister and I really are more alike then we would ever have thought and we make eachother laugh so hard we almost pee just about every weekend.
20. no matter how far away you get from friends who you had life changing experiences with your hearts will always be next door neighbors.
21. Jumping out of airplanes is a stinkin' BLAST!!!!
22. My brother and sister in law are awesome people
23. living by yourself brings interesting challenges. IE...how do you zip a zipper that you can't reach?
24. I am more of a klutz then I thought I was and sharps things and I don't get along well.

These are just a few of the things that I have learned in the last 11 and a half months but I like making lists and wanted to share a little bit of the things that have impacted my life so greatly.

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